Friday, September 23, 2005

Family Update

Timothy is really enjoying his full day kindergarten. He has made a lot of new friends. The school is close to my work and they let parents come and take the kids outside to a picnic table for lunch, that has been great fun to do. When not at school Timothy is working on building contraptions at home.

Julian loves three day preschool and has a fit when he doesnt get to go on Thursday and Friday. At home he will sit at his desk for hours and color or draw or work on his computer. The other night he came out of his room with Timothy's homework and proudly announced to Timothy that he had done his homework and sure enough Julian wrote Timothy's name on top and completed his homework. Julian is reading. His favorite book is "The Treasury of Dick and Jane".

Evelyn spends her day being held by family members or friends who come by the house. She sits in her exersaucer and hugs her little dog but mostly seems to prefer Piglet.

Elizabeth has continued back with the Navy Reserves and is teaching her third Bradley Birth course. She has been playing bridge at the club and is teaching the kids any and every card game she can!

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