Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thanks for all the name suggestions.


babette said...

I've seen allot of blog contests, but never a name the baby...hmmm, I'll have to think on this one. Are you gonna want family, ethnic, etc??
Lots of girl names come to mind but few boy...I've always loved the simple name Michael. How' bout Michael Albert? Gimme some time & I'll think of more, gives me something to do whilst packing boxes.

capribaby30 said...

Just a thought of Nathan Michael.

Fine Family said...

Well - I can't claim that I'll have any that you like - we are working on the boy names over here - so I'm not going to give you any of the ideas we have for our own 8 pounds of boy...truth is, you probably wouldn't be keen on them anyway...we come up with odd ball names to amuse ourselves. I've heard you might be looking for an 'Al' name - so I throw the following to you for careful consideration - Zachary Aloysious (that's pronounced Al O wish us - for those who are getting tripped up by it)Bowes... or Alvin David Bowes (granted - I don't know the current middle names you have for Timothy and Julian - sorry - didn't keep track of those....) And in keeping with the "in" names (julian, evelyn, lillian)...Franklin something Bowes.

Fine Family said...

Oh, that's Franklin Elias Bowes (gets the Eli in there, too :))

Rob & Pat Miltz said...

This is Fun! How about Justin, Connor, Ethan.

Anyway, let me know what you decid

Anonymous said...

Saw the "Name the Baby" post on the blog. Here are a
few I think would make a great name.

These are some Irish names I like:

Aedan--Irish-"born of fire" (English-Aidan)
Breandan--Irish--St. Breandan the Navigator Patron
Saint of seafarers and travellers (Can also be
spelled Brendan (English))
Liam--Irish form of English William--strong protector
Seamus--Irish form of James (Melissa likes this one)
Malachi--Irish or Malachy (mala-key) My angel or
Messenger of God

Others I like include: Alexander, Dennis, Jeremy, Eli

If I think of any additional ones I'll let you know.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For a nontraditional name, the boys like "Swordslash". They also suggested Theodore. Or Alvin. They've been watching The Chipmunks.

We also like Henry. And Oscar.

Tom, Tory, Zachary, and Allison said...

The consensus of the west coast Boweses and Lakes (Craig, Sharon, Tory, and Tom) is Manning Force. Manning means heroic.

stevebowes said...

Roscoe Wesley Bowes

babette said...

Henry Albert (???) I'm running outta ideas....

Anonymous said...

We like the name Patrick. Maybe Patrick Brian Bowes.

Anonymous said...

Another possibility is Patrick Stephen Bowes.

Anonymous said...

How about Everett? Any how, I liked the Evan thing and the Eli thing and the Alvin thing but I know you guys will do good. There's always Crazy Ivan!

Anonymous said...

Alistair I believe is my friend Leslie's vote.

Anonymous said...

Elias Allan

stevebowes said...

I just re-read the ideas and I really like Alistair.

How about Manning Alistair Bowes -or- Alistair Manning Bowes? Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Ok so the suggestion from Ireland is - Ethyan or Oliver, if you called him Oliver he could have an amazing nickname - OB (Wan Kneobi)-How cool would that be!! Good Luck for the next fee weeks! Vikki xo.

Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone isnt as much of a geek as me - its from Star Wars!

Melted said...

This is a challenge for me, as we pretty much exhausted a lot of boys names in our family. Hmmm....this is hard as I keep referring to my family. So here are my nephew's names: Jacob, Ryley, Connor, Ezekiel (Zeke), Eligh, Dante, James & Thomas. Then there's the "almost" names: Noah was almost Jonah, Caleb was almost Patrick (Paul didn't get his way) & Izaac was almost Ethan. Think I will stop. Could this make things harder?

Good luck & take care,
Melanie & family

Melted said...

PS. Were we supposed to suggest only one??? My top pick for you all out of the list I just wrote would be Ryley (Riley). Feel it ties in nicely with Timothy (ee) at end and joins all of the names...hope that makes sense. Will stop as I could have a lot of fun with this and really just confuse you all more.

Anonymous said...

Well, Ken says that the best name for a child is Kenneth....

I think you should stick with classic, dare I say old-fashioned names, as you've done with your other kids.

Charles (Charlie -- I think
Charlie Bowes sounds very cute), Andrew, Alexander, or Henry.

Medical Informatics said...

Getting closer. Here are the names that make the cut. Help us pair up the ones at the bottom with any on the list.
Manning Force Bowes
Elias Jackson Bowes
Eligh Jackson Bowes
Nelson Manning Bowes
Alistair Manning Bowes
Henry Albert Bowes
Patrick Brian Bowes

Anonymous said...

Brendan Parks---it has the Br as in Bruce and Brian

Anonymous said...

How about Brendan Allen..or Patrick is good,too.....the world needs more Pats.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

My choice would be Manning Force. He was not only a doctor who served his country in the Civil war but the Director of a Hospital in Ga for the Freeman's Bureau serving the slaves that had been freed. He lived in Sellins Grove where he ran a Drug Store, Pa, Georgetown, Macon Ga, Davenport Iowa, San Francisco - from the east coast to the west coast.

He was Brian's Great,great great, Grandfather. And he had red hair - one for Steve.

Anonymous said...

Alexander or Alphonse...they both have Al. I really like All of your choices!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Bruce. Knowing the history of the name takes it to my first place choice.I would love to know what Timothy and Julian think--and Lilly, too, if she has voted. Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Just want to share this with you. When we adopted Elizabeth we asked family and friends for name suggestions and received over 100 responses.Our immediate family voted and we all had different first choices. Elizabeth Mary was the number two name on everyone's list---and that is how she got her name.Have fun naming your son. You cannot go wrong!

Fine Family said...

I can't believe that Swordslash didn't make the cut...I can't wait to hear your selection! They all look like good names to me.

Eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Brian and Elizabeth Bowes genetic mix, take 5 :)

babette said...

Glad that I now know the *True-story* behind the name Manning Force. All I kept thinking of before was it sounded like some kids super-hero name, or some football player kept coming to mind."Manny"" Bowes is cute.

Lisa said...

Okay...I'm cleaning out my classroom for the year and thinking about all of the name choices you have I'm debating to myself as to which name seems pop out I come across a student workbook page with the story about a kid named "Manning" who is training to become a lifeguard. Soooo...there you go! I know ultimately it will be your decision once he is born, but heck...when a teacher sees the name in a workbook, it has to be good! Hugs to all!

Mrs. Wardle =)

Melted said...

Hi all,

How's it going with the naming competition. Have you managed to narrow this list down?? Or is this going to be still a discussion in the delivery room?...hehe.

I am bound to be biased on Izaac.

My favourites (apart from the obvious)on your list are Manning (love the history), Eligh, Alistair & Aedan. I'm big on middle names having family history attached (my boys have their grandfather, great-grandfather & great great-grandfather from both mine & Paul's sides as middle names).

Take Care,

Unknown said...

Correction - For the record the Drug Store was in Davenport,Iowa. My brother also pointed out that Manning Force is buried in The Presidio, near the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco. Brian, Stephen and I have all visited the site at different times in out lives.

Anonymous said...

Two more thoughts...Nelson Manning or Manning.

Anonymous said...

My last one was supposed to be Manning Bruce.

Medical Informatics said...


This is what I am thinking this minute. Nothing is jumping out at us. UGH. Maybe we will just call him Five or Cinco or Fünf

babette said...

Jackson, Jackson!!!!!
This is choice of Babette & Sandy ( who is panting over my shoulder right now)

Anonymous said...

Of these I like Alistair Manning Bowes: it goes with the other kids names, and incorporates the ancestor name without being a replica name.

Lisa said...

Here is my thought for the day...Seamus Manning Bowes. Strong name. As an Irish friend told me..."Every family should have a Seamus."

Anonymous said...

I didn't see Joseph anywhere. I think it would be a nice addition.....but then I am partial to the name myself.
Guess who?

babette said...

Don't worry about the name, after all it's only a name. You'll know what his name will be as soon as you 'meet' him .

Anonymous said...

FYI----Cinco---clever----(Cousin)Jane and Don Mahoney's son is Donald Hopkins Mahoney III-----but the entire world knows him as "Trey"--(their version of "the third"). I think when you look in your little guy's eyes--you'll know what he wants to be named. Sending lots of loving thoughts.

babette said...

Hey, I want to know what's gonna happen the the 'Widget' when the due date comes? Maybe the baby will sit up and wave hello?
( gee ,I think I have too much time on my hands today!)